Tuesday May 11, 1999
(All workshops are full day)
Workshop Details
W1: Virtual Documents, Hypertext Functionality and
the Web
The goal of this workshop, HTF/VD1, is to discuss the role
of hypertext functionality for virtual documents on the Web.
Participants should contribute positions or scenarios that clarify
either how the Web can be improved to support more systems based
on sophisticated hypertext or virtual documents and/or how HTF
and VD models can be added to the Web. This workshop will have
as one of its goals a written report of the state of hypertext
in virtual documents on the Web and a broader and grander vision
of applications on the Web. We expect participants to be prepared
to write as well as talk, and we will aim at shaping their position
statements and the workshop discussion to the delivery of such
a final report. The final report plus longer versions of selected
papers may be included in a proposed monograph series by Addison-Wesley.
Fabio Vitali
is an assistant professor with the Department of Computer Science
at the University of Bologna, Italy. His research interests lie
around Web information systems, versioning and markup languages.
He has been involved with hypertext and the Web for several years.
Milosavlejevic is a research scientist in the Intelligent
Interactive Technology group at CSIRO Mathematical and Information
Sciences in Australia. She is interested in the use of natural
language generation technology in the domain of electronic catalogues.
Carolyn Watters
is an associate professor with the Faculty of Computer Science
at Dalhousie University, Canada. Her research areas focus on
evolution of Web resources to support hypertext applications.
She has been involved with the hypertext functionality workshops
for several years.
Additional Information: http://www.cs.unibo.it/~fabio/VD99/index.html
W2: Learning Online
This workshop will bring together practitioners from both
the academic and the commercial worlds to discuss the issues
surrounding learning with the Web. The workshop will discuss
a range of issues arising from the use of the Web for teaching
and learning and performance support. Subject to the position
papers received the workshop will focus on:
- Business/Learning
- Audience Characteristics/Needs
- Social, Cultural
and Ethical Issues
- Development
Process/Team and Institutional Issues
- Technology
- Tracking Effectiveness.
Anyone wishing to attend the workshop is asked to submit
a position paper by email to dave@cs.strath.ac.uk
by April 1, 1999. Position papers should briefly include all
of the following:
- Describe your experience with and education around web-based
learning (as a student, instructor, or developer).
- Describe your experience with and education around other
types of learning (e.g., corporate trainer, professor,
instructional designer).
- Using the 6 interest areas defined above, please prioritize
the 6 main interest areas and add any that we've missed. Use
a scale of 1 - 5, where 1 is "critically important to my
workshop learning goals" and 5 is "unimportant to my
learning needs."
- Tell us anything else you feel we need to know about you
to make your workshop experience enriching.
- Tell us about any tools that you have experience with
in this area, and briefly describe the positive or negative nature
of your experience with them. These could be development,
delivery, or tracking tools, for example.
- Please tell us if you have any special needs, such as
a sign language interpreter, so that we can make appropriate
Dave Whittington
has been involved with educational technology in academia for
over ten years. He is technical director of Clyde Virtual University
and helped organize successful workshops at WWW6 and WWW7 in
Santa Clara and Brisbane.
Karen Goeller
has been involved for over 14 years in using the Internet to
facilitate learning and information publication. She is
Director of Learning Support Internet Solutions for Bellcore,
where she leads a team of researchers and developers exploring
the boundaries of the web-based learning universe. She
has participated in many of the past W3C conferences and helped
organize the successful Online Learning workshop at WWW7 in Brisbane.
Additional Information: http://www.cs.strath.ac.uk/~dave/www8workshop/
W5: Second Workshop on Adaptive Systems and User Modeling
on the Web
Web-based application systems are designed for a much greater
variety of users than traditional interactive applications. A
possible remedy for the negative effects of the traditional "one-size-fits-all"
approach in the development of Web-based applications is to equip
them with the ability to adapt to the needs of their individual
users. Adaptive Web-based systems maintain a model of the goals,
interests, preferences and knowledge of the individual user and
apply this throughout the interaction for adaptation to the needs
of that user. This workshop aims to bring together researchers
and practitioners from various areas working on user modeling
and adaptive systems on the Web.
Topics of interest include:
- adaptive hypermedia on the WWW
- intelligent tutoring systems on the WWW
- user models and adaptivity in E-commerce
- adaptive Web-based collaboration systems
- user modeling in WWW-based search tools
- distributed adaptive applications on the WWW
- acquisition and management of user models on the WWW
- security and privacy aspects of user models on the WWW
- methods, techniques, and tools for user modeling
- Web metadata as a basis for user modeling
- dealing with people's changing interests and preferences
- usability aspects of adaptivity
- user model/profile Web servers
- future trends and perspectives
The number of participants will be limited to 30-35 in
order to encourage participation in workshop discussions. 15
"seats" are reserved for presenters. The rest of the
workshop "seats" are open for any registered participant
(in the order of registration -- register early!).
Any registered workshop participant is encouraged to submit
a short position paper with a summary of relevant research and
a list of relevant publications included. All qualifying position
papers will be included in a workshop proceedings. All papers
must include on the first page: the title, author's name(s),
affiliation, mailing address, phone number, e-mail, home page
URL, and up to five keywords. Papers should be prepared in HTML
format. The size is limited to 2 pages (printed from a common
browser using basic font size 10pt). Electronic submission of
the URL address of the position paper is preferred, although
ASCII (HTML) papers will be accepted. Send your submission (URL
or HTML files) to Peter Brusilovsky: plb@cs.cmu.edu.
Brusilovsky is a Director of CMI at Carnegie Technical
Schools and an adjunct research scientist at the School of Computer
Science, Carnegie Mellon University, USA. His research interests
are centered around adaptive Web-based systems, user modeling,
intelligent tutoring systems, and adaptive hypermedia. For the
last five years he has been involved in several projects related
to developing adaptive systems on the Web and integration of
different Web-based adaptive systems. He is an author of many
papers and an editor of several books related to the topic of
the workshop.
Paul De Bra
is a full professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology,
in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. He has a part-time position at
the University of Antwerp and at the "Centrum voor Wiskunde
en Informatica, CWI" in Amsterdam. His main research interests
are adaptive hypermedia, Web-based information systems, and user-
and task-adapted information filtering for applications in electronic
commerce. He is an author of many papers on database theory,
hypermedia models and applications, Web applications and adaptive
Kobsa is a Professor of Computer Science at the University
of Essen, Germany, and an Institute Director at the German National
Research Center for Information Technology. His research focuses
on methods for facilitating users' interaction with information,
and includes areas such as user-tailored hypermedia environments,
user modeling, and information visualization. He is the Editor-in-Chief
of User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction.
W6: Web Engineering
The World Wide Web has long ceased being simply a distribution
medium for text and images, and has become a development and
execution environment for sophisticated applications. The current
state of application development in the Web environment is characterized
by anarchy and ad hoc methodologies. It lacks effective ways
and techniques for ensuring the integrity and maintainability
of the system. Consequently, there is a growing concern that
we will face increasingly worse problems throughout the lifecycle
of large-scale Web applications.
A move to sophisticated applications has exposed an impedance
mismatch between the models represented in the hypermedia world
at the conceptual, navigational and presentation levels of abstraction
and the complex and dynamic Web applications with procedural,
event-oriented, OO and client-server capabilities. There is an
immediate need for an effective methodology for developing such
web applications that can integrate CGI scripts, servlets, databases,
HTML files with embedded scripts, distributed objects, etc. at
both client and server sides. XML, DOM, and RDF are emerging
as important contributors to the growing maturity of the Web.
Even so, it remains a challenge to apply these technologies to
achieving common grounds between the diverse application development
This workshop is concerned with the establishment and use
of sound scientific, engineering and management principles to
the successful building and deployment of dependable Web-based
systems and applications. The workshop aims to bring together
researchers and research groups involved in the design and implementation
of innovative methodologies, tools, environments, and prescriptive
guidelines that can address the actual needs of complex Web application
Leon Shklar
is the Director of R&D at Information Architects. He is also
a part-time lecturer at the Computer Science department at the
Rutgers University in New Jersey. Leon has chaired the workshop
on Internet Middleware and Data Modeling at the WWW7 Conference,
the workshop on Object Oriented Web Servers and Data Modeling
at the WWW6 Conference and the workshop on Web Access to Legacy
Data at the WWW4 Conference. He also presented a tutorial on
Web Access to Legacy Data at the WWW5 Conference in Paris, France.
Joseph G. Davis
is currently Associate Professor of Information Systems and Director
of the Decision Systems Laboratory at the University of Wollongong,
Wollongong, NSW, Australia. He has previously served on the Information
Systems faculties at The University of Auckland, Auckland, New
Zealand and Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. His research
interests span information modelling, web databases and the design
and implementation of complex application systems to support
managerial decisions and engineering design.
San Murugesan
is on the faculty of the Department of Computing and Information
Systems at the University of Western Sydney Macarthur, Australia.
He is a founding-member and a mentor of the Web-based Information
Systems and Methodologies (WebISM) Research Group. His current
research and teaching interests include: Web Engineering, Internet
and Web-based applications, Electronic Commerce, Intelligent
Systems, Intelligent agents, Information Retrieval, and Software
Development. He created and currently maintains the WebE Home
- the home of Web Engineering.
Carlos Enguix
is currently pursuing a multi-disciplinary PhD at the University
of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia in Web Engineering
and related topics. He is currently evaluating and researching
technologies such as XML, Enterprise Java Beans, Servlets, JAVA
RMI, CORBA, distributed objects, component-based software engineering,
E-Commerce frameworks and architectures, etc. He is also trying
to develop a universal multi-paradigm model for Web Application
development suited for complex environments.
Additional Information: http://budhi.uow.edu.au/web-engineering99/web_engineering.html
W7: Managing Intellectual Content on the Web: Use
of the Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
A major challenge for publishing in all media is the adoption
of a Web-based framework in which to manage intellectual content
and the rights which accompany that content. Traditional methods
for identifying information throughout the life of a work, such
as title pages or book covers, no longer apply in the digital
world -- digital content needs its own form of unique identifier
that will remain persistent when ownership of information and/or
location of electronic files change. New systems are required
to identify, authenticate and protect content to insure that
what the customer is requesting is what is being delivered and
that the associated rights are protected.
To address this requirement the DOI system was launched
at the Frankfurt Book Fair in October 1997 by the International
DOI Foundation [IDF] as an enabler for the development of tools
and services that will be critical for managing intellectual
content on the Web. Since its inception the DOI has become a
well-established standard for digital identification and is currently
used internationally by over 50 publishing organizations. Development
of tools and services which utilize the DOI is proceeding as
well, including metadata and rights management applications.
The focus of this workshop will be to identify any remaining
barriers to broad-based Web adoption of these services and tools;
to propose activities to address these requirements; to highlight
innovative DOI implementations which demonstrate the flexibility
of the DOI infrastructure; and to discuss future directions.
Publishers from a variety of media, librarians, and technologists
will examine the issues associated with moving forward with DOI
implementation. The agenda will consist of presentations, demonstrations
and panel discussions designed to encourage participation from
Those planning to attend are encouraged to send email to
Catherine Rey at crey@cnri.reston.va.us
briefly indicating their general context of interest and areas
of specific focus they would like to explore.
Constance McLindon
has served as the Corporation for National Research Initiatives
(CNRI) Director of the DOI project since its inception two and
one-half years ago. She has chaired over 15 workshops and general
meetings of international participants on issues related to the
adoption of new, Web-based business methods.
Norman Paskin
is Director of the International DOI Foundation [IDF] and has
been actively involved in information identifier issues for the
scientific, technical and medical publishing community. In addition
to his leadership role at the IDF, he has chaired a number of
NISO committees and workshops and is well-recognized within the
publishing industry for his ability to obtain agreement and closure
on difficult issues.
Additional Information: http://www.doi.org/www8-workshop.html